Tomás Nasjleti,
And I'm a
Web Developer.
I am a highly motivated programmer from Argentina based in Malmö, Sweden. As a full-stack Developer I've been programming for more than 2414 days and still learning new technologies every week. Mostly focused on front-end related technologies but my passion is taking me to Mobile, Desktop and beyond 🚀. I currently work at Knowit
My skills bag
My tools are my friends, below you can find the ones I use the most.
HTML, CSS & SCSSJavaScriptTypeScriptReact / ReduxNext.JSTailwind CSSBackend
Node.JSExpress.JSMongoDBPostgresSQLFirebaseRest APICross
React NativeExpoElectron.JSTauriOthers
GIT | GitHub | GitLabVSCodeVercelHerokuJiraMy Featured Projects
This Website
The website you're currently browsing 🧭. It serves as a portfolio site for me and my projects. Built with Next.js, ts and TailwindCSS. At lot about SEO, performance and optimization has been learned with this project.
View on GitHubLocal Video Tracker
Desktop tool to track local (downloaded) videos, such as courses or tv shows, to organize them by folders and keep track of your progression. Built with Electron.js, React.js, TS and others.
View on GitHub